Challenging cases in Infectious Diseases: Talk at MEDINSPIRE 2019

Challenging cases in Infectious Diseases:Talk at MEDINSPIRE 2019, a multidisciplinary conference by DY Patil University at DY Patil medical College, Navi Mumbai for the young minds. Hope to inspire students to understand challenges faced in todays era of antimicrobial resistance and practice of Infectious Diseases #infectiousdiseases #antimicrobialresistance #antibioticstewardship #infectioncontrol #inspiration

Multi-centre KAP study

Imp findings of our study:
1. High knowledge alone is not sufficient to improve attitude and practices.
2. Traditional educational models are not efficient and needs introduction of new motivational education methods at postgraduate levels.
3. HCW’s knowledge, attitude and behaviors about the influenza disease are important as a role model to general population and play an essential role in distributing the disease to the community