Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Ram Gopalakrishnan, Suresh D, S Basu, V Ramasubramanian titled “ A Study on Suboptimal Adherence and Associated Factors Contributing to Virological Failure on First Line Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) at a Private Tertiary Care Centre in South India at ASM Microbe 2017 in New Orleans in June 2017
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, M. Thirunarayan, A. Chakrabarti, D. Sureshkumar, A. Parameswaran, R. Gopalakrishnan titled “Disseminated phaeohyphomycosis presenting as chromoblastomycosis in an immunocompetent host: a rare manifestation” in International conference in Infectious Diseases in Hyderabad in March 2016
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, S. Patil, D. Annapurneshwari, S. Durairajan, R. Gopalakrishnan titled “Human ocular dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria repens: an
under diagnosed entity or emerging filarial disease” in International conference in Infectious Diseases in Hyderabad due in March 2016
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Suresh D, Velupande, S Basu, V Ramasubramanian, Ram Gopalakrishnan titled “Prevalence of Bacterial Resistance in Bloodstream Infections (BSI) in Pediatric Tertiary Care Hospital in South India “in International Infectious Disease conference ICAAC 2015 at San Diego in September 2015
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Suresh D, Dr Thirunarayan, Dr V Ramasubramanian, Dr A. Chakrabarti, Dr Ram Gopalakrishnan titled “Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fungemia Outbreak in Premature Neonates after Use of Probiotics” in International Infectious Disease conference ICAAC 2015 at San Diego in September 2015
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Suresh D, Velupande, Sheela N, V Ramasubramanian, Ram Gopalakrishnan titled “A Multicentre Cross-sectional Study Among Healthcare Workers on Knowledge of Occupational Exposure and Infection Prevention Control of H1N1 Influenza in South India” in International Infectious Disease conference ICAAC 2015 at San Diego in September 2015
Oral presentation: D. Sureshkumar, D. Vinay, J. Hemalatha, Laxman G. Jessani
titled “Antibiotic Stewardship Program in Indian Hospitals Is it in Paper or in in Practice?” in International Infectious Disease conference ICAAC 2015 at San Diego in September 2015
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Dr. Ram Gopalakrishnan, Dr.V Ramsubramanian, Anil T, Vishnu P, Prabha titled “A study on a novel rapid molecular test (xpert carba-r®) as a diagnostic tool for early detection of carbapanemase producing gram negative sepsis in intensive care unit patients” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2015 in August 2015 in New Delhi
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Ram Gopalakrishnan, D Suresh Kumar, V Ramasubramanian titled “Genotypic HIV-1 drug resistance among patients with virological failure to antiretroviral therapy in private tertiary care hospital in South India” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2015 in August 2015 in New Delhi
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Ram Gopalakrishnan, Muthukumaran R, Latha Vishwanathan, Sureshkumar titled “Unilateral optic neuritis in scrub typhus: a rare manifestation” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2015 in August 2015 in New Delhi
Poster presentation: Sureshkumar R Gopalakrishnan, L Jessani Congenital rubella syndrome exposure in a pediatric hospital: experience from developing world. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 3rd International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC 2015) Geneva, Switzerland. 16-19 June 2015
Poster presentation: D Sureshkumar, Ram Gopalakrishnan, V Ramsubramanian, Vinay Devraj, Laxman G. Jessani titled “Positive biological indicator on day 2 what next? – experience from the developing world” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2015 in August 2015 in New Delhi
Poster presentation: D Sureshkumar, Karunya Ramanathan, Jothimani, Hemalatha, Vinay Devaraj, Laxman G. Jessani titled “Point prevalence survey of antibiotic use in a tertiary care hospital – a report” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2015 in August 2015 in New Delhi
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, V. Ramasubramanian, S. Nambi, S. Durairajan, R. Gopalakrishnan titled “Pulmonary mucormycosis” in International Infectious Disease conference European Conference of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2015 ) at Copenhagen in April 2015
Poster presentation: Suresh D, Ram Gopalakrishnan, Laxman G. Jessani titled “Ebola Preparedness” in International Infection Control conference in HISICON 2015 at New Delhi on in March 2015
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Vinay D , V Ramasubramanian, Ram Gopalakrishnan titled “Endotipsitis” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2014 in August 2014 at Bangalore
Poster presentation: Vinay D, Laxman G. Jessani, V Ramasubramanian, Ram Gopalakrishnan titled “Granulicatella adiacens Multivalvular endocarditis” in National Infectious Disease Conference CIDSCON 2014 in August 2014 at Bangalore
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Aumir Moin titled “PRES syndrome” in State level conference- KAPICON 2012, Hassan in May 2012
Poster presentation: Laxman G. Jessani, Aumir Moin titled “Fulminant GBS mimicking cerebral death” in National level conference- APICON 2013, Coimbatore in February 2013
Presented interesting case presentations and ECG’s in Cardiological Society of India, Mysore chapter in August 2011 and February 2012
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